HUMAN CAPITALor human resources
Human capital is the totality of intangible assets, the economic value of the knowledge and skill of a practitioner — the totality of his skill and knowledge, the prospects and relevance to current needs, so be it in the future. These are such things as awareness, knowledge, intelligence, skills, health, and human qualities such as loyalty, creativity, reliability, etc.
Human capital increase productivity and thus profitability of company. Therefore, the more investment a company makes in its employees, the higher its chances of productivity and success.
It is for these reasons that, in order to achieve a high level of service quality, Capital Plus Group has established effective personnel recruitment and management policies and procedures. They cover the following areas of the Company's activities:
● establishment of professional levels and job duties of employees● appointment of a task team, taking into account the competencies and nature of the task● planning of needs and recruitment of personnel● attestation and assessment of the work of employees● staff development and training● rewards, motivation and revision of salaries● personnel responsibility for compliance with quality standards and internal policies● provisions and other regulatory documents of the Company
Organization of training
The company organizes personnel training through:
● in-house training, seminars and discussions (on compliance with the Company's policies, regulations and procedures, methodology and methods of performing certain tasks, as well as technical and «soft» skills)● training on ethical issues and compliance● conferences, seminars, workshops, webinars or trainings at the expense of the company● referral for internship to another organization or audit firm● in exceptional cases — through referral to study at educational institutions● involvement of qualified external persons or organizations to conduct employee training
The organization and methods of training are also influenced by a specific goal:
Senior staff undergo professional training to obtain relevant professional certifications (ACCA, DipIFR, etc.), and managers who already hold relevant certifications personally deliver training to junior staff. Certified auditors undergo mandatory external improvement of professional knowledge.
The employee's implementation of an individually defined training and professional development plan is an element of his work evaluation and receiving a motivational reward.